Financial Review
Home-Related Tax Deductions

Home-Related Tax Deductions

Tax season. Just the words can send shivers down your spine. But if you're a homeowner, there's a silver lining: potential savings!  You’ve probably heard that you can deduct the interest you pay on your mortgage — but did you know there are many other ways...

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When to Engage a Real Estate Agent?

When to Engage a Real Estate Agent?

Thinking about buying or selling a house is a major life decision, and knowing when to seek the services of a real estate agent can be just as important as your decision to move forward with the purchase or sale. Whether you’re just gathering information or actively...

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6 Strategies to Save on Home Insurance Premiums

6 Strategies to Save on Home Insurance Premiums

From wildfires to floods, the past few years have brought a historic number of devastating climate and weather events to the United States. In 2023 alone, there were 28 individual weather-related disasters that caused at least $1 billion in damages each. These events...

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Top 10 Tips for Finding Residential Insurance

Top 10 Tips for Finding Residential Insurance

Overview Home insurance coverage challenges remain for California home owners as several large carriers have left the California market. Allstate, Farmers, and State Farm have all announced they will no longer be issuing new residential policies in the state. This is...

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California Homeowner Insurance Conundrum

California Homeowner Insurance Conundrum

You may have heard that several large insurance carriers including State Farm, Allstate, and Farmers have recently announced that they will not be offering new homeowner insurance policies in California. The reasons for this include increased claims from catastrophic...

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Property Taxes Explained

Property Taxes Explained

As a top real estate agent, I've seen it all when it comes to property taxes. Some homeowners eagerly wait to receive the tax bill in the mail so that they can whip out their checkbook and take care of it.Then there are others who break out into a cold sweat just...

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6 Tax Deductions for Homeowners

6 Tax Deductions for Homeowners

I want to talk about a topic that's on the mind of many homeowners this time of year — tax deductions. I know, taxes can be a bit of a snooze-fest, but trust me when I say that understanding the tax deductions available to you can be a game-changer for your financial...

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Holiday Budgeting in a Season of Inflation

Holiday Budgeting in a Season of Inflation

You can celebrate in style using my holiday budgeting tips - even in this season of inflation. Prices may be higher on everything from food to gifts to decorations, but there are still plenty of opportunities to eke out extra savings. For example, according to the...

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